Fed up with marketing and its lies online?

Fed up with marketing and its lies online?
Marketing is one of the biggest aspects of your business; if you’re not promoting it well, you’re missing the opportunity to scale your business to a new level.

But the thing is, over the past few years, it has become cluttered. Marketing has evolved, but now it has many lies attached to it.

So in today’s post, we’re going to bunk a few of them, so you don’t feel persuaded by the “gurus’’ and their money-making tactics.

  1. Marketing is all about advertising.

I don’t know how many times I have read it and keep on telling people, that marketing is not all about advertising. It includes research, distribution, pricing strategies, and product development. It’s about understanding the customer’s needs and building relationships with them.

2: Only big companies need marketing.

It’s equivalent to saying that only the rich need food. Every small or big business needs to have a marketing strategy in place. Small businesses can leverage niche markets and local communities more effectively.

3: Marketing is the same as sales.

While sales are part of marketing, they are not the same. Marketing involves creating awareness and interest in products or services, while sales is about closing the deal and converting interest into purchases. Marketing is about building long-term relationships, whereas sales focuses on immediate transactions.

4: Social media is only for brand awareness.

Social media can be used for much more than just building brand awareness. It’s a powerful tool for customer engagement, market research, customer service, lead generation, and even direct sales.

5: SEO is all about keywords.

White-space keywords are important. SEO is much more than just keywords. It includes on-page optimization, quality content creation, technical SEO (such as site speed and mobile optimization.), link building, and user experience.

So, here are all the myths that have been circulating around about marketing, and I was so pissed seeing them that I had to burst them.
If you would like to find out more about marketing and sales, you can follow my newsletter and me, and don’t forget to like this post.

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